Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (2024)

Kanjis containing the meaning of "Extended" are below. The following list contains these kanjis.

  • 弥(144)
  • 梠(16)
  • 閏(8)
  • 閠(1)
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169 Last Names

  • Kourogi(Korogi)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (4)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (5)


    興梠興 means "excitement, interest, enthusiasm." 梠 means "eave, extended roof, shelter." 11 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (6): aprx. 1,000

  • YanagaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (7)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (8)


    弥永弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 永 means "eternity, permanence." 5 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (9): aprx. 700

  • IyadomiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (10)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (11)


    弥富弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 富 means "wealth, riches, abundance." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (12): aprx. 200

  • MieJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (13)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (14)


    弥栄弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 栄 means "prosperity, flourish, glory." 7 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (15): aprx. 100

  • WatariJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (16)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (17)

    1 view

    弥弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 19 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (18): aprx. 100

  • UrumaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (19)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (20)


    閏間閏 means "intercalary, leap, extra." 間 means "interval, space, time, room, pause." 10 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (21): aprx. 100

  • YayoshiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (22)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (23)

    1 view

    弥吉弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 吉 means "good luck, fortune, auspiciousness." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (24): aprx. 100

  • YamasuJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (25)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (26)


    弥益弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 益 means "benefit, profit, gain." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (27): aprx. 100

  • IyodaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (28)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (29)

    弥田弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 田 means "rice field, rice paddy." 8 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (30): aprx. 100

  • KaiamiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (31)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (32)


    貝阿弥貝 means "shell, shellfish." 阿 means "ah, oh, alas." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (33): aprx. 80

  • MisonoJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (34)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (35)

    弥園弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 園 means "garden, park, plantation." 13 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (36): aprx. 70

  • YakuboJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (37)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (38)

    1 view

    弥久保弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 久 means "long time, old, long-cherished." 保 means "preserve, protect, guarantee." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (39): aprx. 60

  • YashigeJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (40)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (41)

    弥重弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 重 means "heavy, important, serious." 2 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (42): aprx. 60

  • 弥生弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 生 means "life, birth, raw, uncooked." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (45): aprx. 60

  • NakayaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (46)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (47)

    1 view

    中弥中 means "in, inside, middle, center." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 14 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (48): aprx. 50

  • MirokuJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (49)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (50)


    弥勒弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 勒 means "a tool used to put a rope in a horse's mouth." 5 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (51): aprx. 40

  • IyomasaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (52)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (53)

    弥政弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 政 means "government, politics." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (54): aprx. 40

  • Kouroki(Koroki)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (55)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (56)


    興梠興 means "excitement, interest, enthusiasm." 梠 means "eave, extended roof, shelter." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (57): aprx. 40

  • TomiyaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (58)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (59)

    富弥富 means "wealth, riches, abundance." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 12 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (60): aprx. 40

  • GoamiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (61)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (62)

    五阿弥五 means "five." 阿 means "ah, oh, alas." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (63): aprx. 40

  • AmiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (64)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (65)

    阿弥阿 means "ah, oh, alas." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 8 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (66): aprx. 40

  • OojimiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (67)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (68)


    大慈弥大 means "big, large, great." 慈 means "compassion, mercy." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (69): aprx. 40

  • HonamiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (70)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (71)

    本阿弥本 means "book, main, true, real." 阿 means "ah, oh, alas." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 5 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (72): aprx. 30

  • NoamiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (73)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (74)

    能阿弥能 means "ability, talent, skill." 阿 means "ah, oh, alas." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (75): aprx. 30

  • MirokuJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (76)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (77)

    1 view

    弥勤弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 勤 means "serve." 5 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (78): aprx. 30

  • OoyaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (79)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (80)

    大弥大 means "big, large, great." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 21 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (81): aprx. 30

  • YayamaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (82)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (83)

    弥山弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 山 means "mountain." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (84): aprx. 30

  • YatomiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (85)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (86)

    弥冨弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 冨 means "wealth, abundance, riches." 6 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (87): aprx. 30

  • TomiyaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (88)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (89)

    冨弥冨 means "wealth, abundance, riches." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 12 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (90): aprx. 20

  • IyanagaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (91)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (92)


    弥永弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 永 means "eternity, permanence." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (93): aprx. 20

  • Yatou(Yato, Yatoh)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (94)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (95)

    1 view

    弥藤弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 藤 means "wisteria, fuji (Japanese plant with purple or white flowers)." 13 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (96): aprx. 20

  • MimuraJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (97)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (98)

    弥村弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 村 means "village, hamlet." 13 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (99): aprx. 20

  • GoamiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (100)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (101)


    其阿弥其 means "it, that, those." 阿 means "ah, oh, alas." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (102): aprx. 20

  • KoorogiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (103)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (104)

    1 view

    興梠興 means "excitement, interest, enthusiasm." 梠 means "eave, extended roof, shelter." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (105): aprx. 20

  • YabuJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (106)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (107)

    弥武弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 武 means "warrior, military, martial arts." 12 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (108): aprx. 20

  • YajimaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (109)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (110)

    弥島弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 島 means "island." 15 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (111): aprx. 20

  • YashiroJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (112)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (113)

    弥城弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 城 means "castle, fortress." 17 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (114): aprx. 20

  • UruiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (115)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (116)

    1 view

    閏井閏 means "intercalary, leap, extra." 井 means "well, water hole, pit." 5 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (117): aprx. 20

  • SekiyaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (118)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (119)

    関弥関 means "barrier, connection, relationship." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 14 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (120): aprx. 20

  • UruiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (121)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (122)

    閏閏 means "intercalary, leap, extra." 5 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (123): aprx. 20

  • ToneJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (124)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (125)

    刀弥刀 means "sword, knife." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 19 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (126): aprx. 20

  • YagenjiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (127)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (128)


    弥源治弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 源 means "source, origin." 治 means "govern, manage, cure." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (129): aprx. 20

  • UrunoJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (130)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (131)

    閏野閏 means "intercalary, leap, extra." 野 means "field, plain, wilderness." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (132): aprx. 20

  • HarayaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (133)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (134)

    原弥原 means "origin, source, foundation." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (135): aprx. 10

  • YaiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (136)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (137)

    弥五弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 五 means "five." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (138): aprx. 10

  • Yatou(Yato, Yatoh)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (139)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (140)

    1 view

    弥頭弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 頭 means "head." 13 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (141): aprx. 10

  • YanoJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (142)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (143)

    弥野弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 野 means "field, plain, wilderness." 12 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (144): aprx. 10

  • YamotoJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (145)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (146)

    弥元弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 元 means "origin, beginning, former, ex." 12 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (147): aprx. 10

  • MirokujiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (148)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (149)

    弥勒地弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 勒 means "a tool used to put a rope in a horse's mouth." 地 means "ground, earth, land." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (150): aprx. 10

  • YasaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (151)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (152)

    1 view

    弥左弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 左 means "left, left-hand side." 2 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (153): aprx. 10

  • KanaamiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (154)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (155)

    金阿弥金 means "gold, money, metal." 阿 means "ah, oh, alas." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (156): aprx. 10

  • IyonagaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (157)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (158)


    弥永弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 永 means "eternity, permanence." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (159): aprx. 10

  • IyaguchiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (160)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (161)

    1 view

    居弥口居 means "to be present, to reside, to stay." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 口 means "mouth, opening, entrance." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (162): aprx. 10

  • YasagawaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (163)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (164)

    1 view

    弥三川弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 三 means "three, third, threefold." 川 means "river, stream, brook." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (165): aprx. 10

  • HanayaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (166)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (167)

    花弥花 means "flower." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 6 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (168): aprx. 10

  • MineJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (169)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (170)


    美弥美 means "beauty, beautiful, pretty." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 10 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (171): aprx. 10

  • Shouami(Shoami)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (172)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (173)

    正阿弥正 means "correct, right, proper." 阿 means "ah, oh, alas." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (174): aprx. 10

  • MatsuamiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (175)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (176)

    松阿弥松 means "pine tree." 阿 means "ah, oh, alas." 弥 means "all the more, increasingly." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (177): under 10

  • YagamiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (178)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (179)

    弥上弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 上 means "up, above, top." 10 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (180): under 10

  • YakusueJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (181)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (182)

    弥久末弥 means "all the more, increasingly." 久 means "long time, old, long-cherished." 末 means "end, tip, final, conclusion." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (183): under 10

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Japanese Last Names Meaning 'Extended' (2024)


What Japanese name means longevity? ›

The name Sumiye finds its roots in the Japanese language and holds profound symbolic meanings. Derived from the Japanese words sumi meaning pure and ye meaning longevity, Sumiye represents qualities associated with purity and a long, fulfilling life.

What Japanese name means renewal? ›

Izumi: Like a lot of the best Japanese baby names, this one's meaning stems from nature. Izumi means “spring” and represents lightness and renewal for a son born at any time of year.

What does shirai mean in Japanese? ›

Japanese: written 白井 'white well'. It is found mostly in eastern Japan.

What are the rarest last names in Japan? ›

Rarest Family Names in Japan
  • 竈門 (Kamado, Kamakado) About 10 people have this name, incl. Tanjirō and his sister Nezuko.
  • 左衛門三郎 (Saemonsaburō) Also about 10.
  • 不死川 (Shinazugawa, Fujigawa)
  • 鰻 (Unagi, Managi, Man) about 20.
  • 小鳥遊 (Takanashi) about 30.
Jun 24, 2021

What Japanese name means eternity? ›

In the feminine name Eiko, "ko" is generally written with a kanji meaning "child" (子), while "Ei" may be written in a wide variety of ways with either a single kanji read "ei" or two kanji read "e" and "i", including: 永子 (first kanji meaning "eternity")

What Japanese name means persistent? ›

Toru: Meaning “persistent”.

What does Reiji mean? ›

Reiji can be written using different kanji characters and can mean: 礼二, "salute, two" 礼司, "salute, rule" 礼治, "salute, govern"

What does Mikoto mean in Japanese? ›

Author has 124 answers and 80.7K answer views. · 4y. As a word, Mikoto (命) means "Lord, Highness," which is added after the name of a god or a noble or, in the honorific or respectful language, can be referred to as "the spoken words of the emperor or a noble." It is also an archaic derogatory form of "you."

What does yaeko mean in Japanese? ›

Origin:Japanese. Meaning:Child of the double bouquet; Multi-layered. Yaeko is a name of Japanese descent.

What is a royal Japanese last name? ›

Some traditional royal Japanese names include Hirohito, Akihito, Naruhito, and Masako. However, it's important to note that the Japanese imperial family primarily uses given names rather than surnames in public contexts.

What are archaic Japanese last names? ›

Nishimoto, Fujimura, Uchida, Yamaguchi, Minamoto, Tanaka, Nishida, Abe, Ichimura, Yamamoto, Nishiyama, Hangai, etc…. Virtually any name you find in a Japanese directory will be an old name.

What is an extremely rare last name? ›

Uncommon Surnames in the U.S.
157 more rows

What name represents longevity? ›

List of 9 Names with "Long life" in Meaning
  • Ayyasy. Ayyasy is muslim arabic name for baby boy mostly popular in islamic famlies. ...
  • Omar. (OH-mahr) ...
  • Ayushi. Meaning of the name Aayushi is 'One with long life'. ...
  • Chirantana. Indian Baby Name Meaning Chirantana. ...
  • Mesha. The name Mesha is a Biblical baby name. ...
  • Omarr. ...
  • Ommar. ...
  • Tansu.

Who is the Japanese god of longevity? ›

In Japan, Jurōjin (寿老人) is one of the Seven Gods of Fortune or Shichif*ckujin, according to Taoist beliefs. He is the god of longevity. Jurōjin originated from the Chinese Taoist god, the Old Man of the South Pole/Star of the Old Man.

What is the Japanese character for longevity? ›

寿 means 'longevity'

They are typically used when a kanji appears as part of a jukugo (kanji compound). For example, in 日本, 日 is read as に, one of the on readings. On readings are typically written in katakana. Kun (訓) readings are uniquely Japanese.

What is the Japanese term for living life? ›

Ikigai or 生き甲斐 is a Japanese philosophical term that breaks into “iki” meaning “alive” and “gai” meaning “worth”. These phrases together refer to what gives your life value, meaning, or purpose.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.