The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE I MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE (J-1) MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FARMS-GROVES (h-6) 8-B TAMPA SUNDAY TRIBUNE, Sunday, October 21, 1945 I fljgACH. LAKE' RIVERFRONT T.nVKiv in-room home, arranged for Ar-RKSt with two-room cottage, some fh-l-SS) SULPHUR SPRINGS VACANT LOTS (h-2) SURPLUS EQUIPMENT RECONDITIONED TESTED AND GUARANTEED BOILER 85 h. p. locomotive fire box FOOTBALL HELMETS 2 GRADES Special sales price $2.95 $7.95 Elsinger Sports 408 Tampa St. two families, excellent condition, 20 acres, 7 in grove and the rest in rich farm land, tenant house, tractor, 14 large pecan furniture, on good lake 10 miles from P.

O. $850 cash. L. H. Norman, Brandon, Fla.

(Kingsway colony.) MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALE Sun Water Heaters Now available. Let the SUN provide an abundance of hot water. Sold and Installed. WATER SYSTEMS. Deep and shallow well pumps sold and repaired.

Acetylene Welding. GULF PUMP REPAIR SALES CO. 2219 7th Ave. Phone Y-5334 Merchandise Galore GAS RANGES: "Caloric" and Hardwick's 'Npftrn" 3 An 5-burner Oil Need Cash trees. About 8 mues is.

w. oi lampa. wuuiaiuni ov-icnieu IfUUb purcil, newly decorated; fruit trees. A bargain. Reasonable terms.

Phone owner. W-1664. $15,000, half cash, Mr. Morgan. Phone M-54192 or 2468.

type. BOILER 15 h. upright, eaulpped with automatic oil burner, water level, and ranges: "Boss" portable ovens. Oil heaters: sheet iron heaters. FURN.

or unfurn. R-rnnm mnriern hnmp Once In a lifetime opportunity. $750 buys beautiful Beach Park lot. 70 ft. frontage, loo ft.

off West Shore Drive, 1 block bus. Beautiful oak trees. Own canal. Phone steam pressure. HEATER STOVE rAKlo 'Or "IMesco, Florence" and wicks, all Poultry Farm lfi50.

5 acres on paved highway in Shade; close In. Immediate possession. Sold on cash or terms. Watklns. 8231 Nebraska.

saw mill American, block carriage. CLOSE-IN LAKE FRONT A beautiful tract of about 3 acres, all fenced, on paved road, electricity available, ground cleared, trees planted, ready to build on, several hundred feet water frontage. $2850, about $1500 cash, bal. $25 mo. incl.

6 interest. O. L. SCHULSTAD, Realtor S-3462. sizes.

36 inch open range, friction feed. BARGAIN for cash. 2 large lots, walking VACUUM CLEANER BUYERS ORDER NOW FOR XMAS DELIVERY. Latest model all metal sanitary cleaner; all attachments. Light and easy to operate.

See it, try it. No dirty dust bags to empty. It's as easy to clean as emptying a waste basket. For demonstration Ph. S-2813, or call at 509 E.

Giddens Ave. Out-of-town business solicited. We can make immediate deliveries on a limited number. S. I.

LATIMER GARDEN supplies: complete line oi Ferrv" seeds: "ViKoro." all sizes: neces 20 AIR COMPRESSORS 14 CU. SUBURBAN distance. Sulphur Springs school. Near Galvanized Pipe, Most Sizes ALSO PIPE FITTINGS KILGORE HARDWARE CO. 50th St.

E. Bdwy. 2 stores Sulphur Spgs. jth-l-Sub) the Port Richey section; 5-room home; garage: three poultry houses for about 1000 hens. Immediate possession, phone 3130.

Nebraska Ave. 1910 E. Osborne. 8-550, sary tools; metal lawn rakes and edgers; stage, 200 lb. pressure, tank mounted, powered with 4.5 h.

p. Wisconsin air cooled engine. 6-Room Home 10 Acres PH. 4423 106 E. LAFAYETTE garden hose; revolving sprinklers, many sizes and types.

for. the HOME: 7 8 "Sampson" TAMPA-rWEST UUflOl fCgifti-i-lx UKJ. LIGHT PLANTS Va KW to 5KW, 110 ORIENTAL RUGS, CLEANED. REPAIRED sash cord: cotton and wire clothes line; 15 Acres and 5 Rooms Located half way between Tamna and (h-3 Income and Business Property 4 Apts. $13,000 ONE APT.

AVAILABLE AT ONCE Located 1903 Jetton. Each apt. 2 B. elec. refrig.

Rents $35 each. Trans, at door. Look It over, then call me to see within. clothes baskets, an sizes: rural man Doxes, hins: small telesCODeS for ship Close in, rich land, mile off highway 23, on paved road. A real bargain at $3500.

terms, i Call W. A. EFIRD, M-1790 or H-44551 Cole, Realtors 404 Franklin St. 5-GAL. CANS ready for planting.

$15 hundred. 2817 Florida. volts, DC and AC. 3 TRACTORS 1 TA40 McCormick-Deer-ing trac-tractor. gasoline.

1 F30 Farmall mounted on rubber, gasoline. 1 40 Caterpillar tractor, gasoline. ping clothes by mail or express; steel and AND MOTH PROOFED Jessamine Link's Shop. 107 Hyde Para PI. POLLARD'S REPAIR SERVICE 813 Piatt Street Give us your trouble.

Our gpecialty. refrigerators, oil heaters, and all typva of home electric appliance. Ph. H-1597 JUST ARRIVED! cast Dutcn ovens; corn buck pans, mn-nioreri to hie ware: all metal strollers: baby 20 DKILb PRESSES Bench drills. Va Plant City on Bloomingdale Road.

15 acres, 12 cleared. Excellent soil for truck farm. 3 acres in oak. 2 wells, electric pump. 5-room home, very nicely furnished.

Garage. School bus about Va block from door. Price S5500. Terms. OLD TAMPA BAY Fronting approx 633 ft.

on Memorial 2230 ft. on Laurel 2740 ft. on Spruce St. and 1600 ft. on Old Tampa Bay.

Ripe for development into Va acre and 1 acre lots. No drainage taxes. Full riparian rights. Call Kelley D. Jones or E.

W. Hensley Hensley Insurance Co. Real Estate Dept. Phones 2129-3088 619 Citizens Bldg. H.

P. Jensen, Broker, M-1669 TEN SALT WATER REELS $3.00 TO $7.00 HYDE PARK 119 Hyde Park Ave. inch. Walker-Turner and Buffalo with 3 phase. 60-cycle, 220 volt motors.

swings and car seats: bed pans; items too numerous to mention. Come in and see for yourself, you'll be surprised. MILLING MACHINES-No. 1 U. S.

Im '10 A. 40th So of Lake $3000 10 A. Near Valrlco 750 5 A. Temple Terrace Highway. 750 .4 A.

North of City 350 10 A. Citrus Park section 150 8.6589. Montgomery. Res- 8-2767. HYDE PARK HARDW AKrJ proved hand feed with 1 h.

1145 RPM, 3-phase ball bearing motor. belt drive. WE BUY and sell everything of value. specializing to tools, guns, watches, tew-elry. luggage, musical Instruments and clothing, fishing tackle.

Noab'a Ark. r318 Franklin Phone M-61493. MASONIC RING FOR SALE or trade for set of silverware. Can M-5B421 Monday. CALL DOUGLAS T.

ElCriELJJEUUJSK 2052 or S-55681 GEORGE DILL, Realtor 111 Zack Street Phone H-1304 119 Hyde Park Ave. A VTan kollAAn mfinoor fits oil nlr1fr DAVE GORDON CO. 1800 Second Avenue. Phone Y-1654 Tampa. Florida 1 9x12 WOOL rug.

1 dvenport and 1 twin bed complete. 2006 Fla. Ave. 4-ROOM house and 2a acres garden land for $1650. 305 Morgan St.

212. model Maytags. M-65573. 109 E. Keys.

1609 Florida Ave. Sun, and Eves. K-2898Z Choice Investment $15,000 Brick bldg. on corner, has 5 stores plus 3 frame bungalows on rear lot. About 9Vi net now plus plenty of future.

Owner wants all cash. Might consider half cash with terms on balance. Mr. Nichols, M. H.

Mabry Realtors Ph. M-8088 509 Twiggs St. 15 ACRES. 8 ACRES IN GROVE MO laree bearine trees. 200 young trees.

LAKEFRONT HOME 5 rooms and- bath, newly painted inside. 10 A. land. Other buildings, fruit and Leverett Specials SLIGHTLY used all wool suits, leather WALLBOARD. sheetroct.

plywood, roll roofing, door sash, paints. Asbestotinel semi-plastic roof coating. 10-year guarantee Free estimates and samples. AMERICAN LUMBER CO 3609 15th St. T-S297 jackets, watches, tools and luggage.

Chi WEARING apparel. Girl's coat. 8 and 10, $2 and $4. Chiffon velvet dress, size 8. $4.

Boy's shirts, 13Vi. 50c each. Also pre-war doll carriage. $2.50. 337 Hyde Park Ave.

Phone H-23073. BIG LOT BOX SPRINGS AND ALL-FELT shrubs. L. B. 21.

Dover. cago Bargain House, 1317 Franklin St. 5 ROOMS, overlooking river. 14 acres. Suitable poultry and garden.

$2500, terms. Beautiful rooms and acre on paved t. Shade and shrubbery. $4000, terms. 3 rooms.

Va blk. to bus. $1650. Easy terms. WRIGHT.

1801 W. Sligh Av. S-55324. crop brings over $3000 income, good pasture and garden land, chicken houses, cow shed, 4-room bungalow, electric lights, water pump. Fronting paved road, Lutz area.

Including new crop, $9900, Va cash. MATTRESSES AT HALr rtutl Mew tralv rinnhl sinks for cafes. 6- TOBACCO grinding machine, large. 1908 Indian Beach, Indian Rocks Rprnrp the lot now. Draw the plans.

hiimur bah rafe ranee, elec. cold drink 10th Ave. Cafe tables St chairs, silverware, glassware and crockery. We buy and sell every-thlng. LEVERETT 8, 4004' Neb.

Ph. 8-6508. 28-IN. double barrel hammerless Remington, automatic shell ejector, excellent condition, leather case, $60. 207 S.

ICEBOX, 75 occasional rocker, porch Take these most important steps first. Then prepare to build that dreamed-about S. W. MELTZER, Realtor Lutz Ph. 993U Highway Home Furnished rocker, table radio, linoleum, complete bed, also double spring and mattress, SLIDE RULES.

ENGINEERING AND DRAFTING SUPPLIES. STALLING3-JENKINS. 211 FRANKLIN fruit jars. 2816 Morgan St. FOUR APARTMENTS, completely and nicely furn.

$120 mo. income besides owner's apt. Newly painted. $7000, terms. DUPLEX 5 rms.

and bath each, 1 bl. trans. Fruit trees, chicken yard, nice lot. $6500; terms. O'DONNELL 6008 FLA.

AVE. PH. S-77944 home for next summer. A nome wnere the kiddies and pets are welcome. Title Insurance on all lots.

Cash or terms. A free mooring place for boats. Bus, phone, water and elec. available. Directions GENERAL ELECTRIC 6-ft.

refrigerator and Hot Point electric range. Good condition. Phone H-29071. box, several large showcases cheap; white outside paint, $2.25 Coca Cola dispenser, Fairbanks platform scales, several wood and glass panel doors, toilet bowl, big stock of brooms and mops, 4-burner gas stove, double porcelain sink for home, folding and upholstered chairs for cafes, also cafe tables. 30-gal.

bottle gas automatic water heaters, butcher blocks, several one and two-burner circulating oil heaters, 2 lge. cast Iron wood heaters. PRE-WAR large Coolerator. bottle gas 5 ACRES HIGH LAND AND 3-ROOM HOUSE Near Lake Carroll and near Magdalene REBUILT SCALES, slicers, grinders, butchers' cutlery and supplies. Repairs.

1900 Nebraska Ave. Phone 3134. range, tanks available; 2-burner gas plate, gas range. 3-burner oil stove, b-burner small gas stove, elec. heater, coal or wood school.

Dandy place to put in a grove and for a poultry farm. Price $1600, about $850 down. Immediate possession. BUSINESS CORNER. HRTCK BIFIO.

cross bridge at Indian Rocks, turn right l'a mile, to 1st St. and Third Ave. I will be in office till 5 o'clock every Sunday. LICA CAMERA 1.2 SPEED LENS Special Sales Price $250 Elsinger Sports 408 Tampa St. 10 Acres Rich Soil "1 ACRE WINTER VEGETABLES NOW GROWING This home is 2Va yrs.

old. Cement block 'Construction and thoroughly modern. Fronts 330 ft. on highway No. 41 South, "also 330 ft.

on East side highway which makes ideal for tourist cabins or filling station. Owners leaving for North so will sell for only $3950. some terms. Call Beverly. LOUIS OBLINGER, REALTOR, 4582 W-4194.

heaters, cage and stand and other household articles. 806 E. Floribraska. LIVING QUARTERS. NEAR CIGAR FACTORY, SCHOOLS.

$3000 CASH OR EASY TERMS. PH. H-33022. all-porcelain table top wesco on range, bis lot carbon oaoer. 1.25 box: elec.

MR. MANlN Wltn David R. Seymour, Realtor PORCELAIN 4-burner and oven oil DON'T Bring your kerosene heaters or stove in for cleaning and repairs NOW. TOOL EXCHANGE 317 So. Howard Ave.

ph. H-34682 deep fryer, steel rubber tired toy wheel THE BEACH WITHIN KEAUn LAURA BROWN, OWNER A. C. Bird, Reg. Real Estate Salesman P.

O. Box 1230, Tampa Ph. M-1188 P. O. Box 116, Indian Rocks MAYTAG quick service and repair parts for all washers.

109 E. Keys. range, good condition, reasonable. 1406 Lake Ave. Ph.

Y-5105. 4715 Nebraska Ph. S-6502 Piatt St. Apartment Close in. Six-unit aDt.

house. Good I 1 III hniTIQG barrows, special prices to meacnants; reach-in refrigerator, elec. hot plates, 1-burner. 98c: 2-burner. 12.98: 4-gal.

all- DAVENPORT and chair, like new. Tables, rugs, studio couch, porch screen, metal chairs, golf clubs, bag, lamps, etc. Also Masonic ring. 3119 Julia Circle. RIVER FRONT That was not hurt by high water.

Lot stainless steel coffee urn. automatic shoe string potato sllcer. stainless steel Sunklst Elec. Refrigeration No waiting. Immediate delivery new unit, $120.

new unit, $100. new unit. $80. Unit with 1.3-H.P. Briggs and Stratton condition.

Rents $18.5 per month. Price $10,000. A. SIMMS. M-8093 A.

J. Simms Company Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures Residential Lighting Fixtures Exhaust Fans All Sizes Antique Porch Fixtures All Kinds -of Appliance Repair Broadway Electric Supply and money-making business opportunities. A thousand bargains in Florida and 24 other states! A homestead up to an assessed valuation of $5000 is tax exempt. Write now. Mailed free.

Strout Realty, 112-BT. North Woodland DeLand, Fla. juicers, meat saws, butcner knives ana 93x600 with beautiful palm drive and shade trees. Plenty of fruit, flowing well, 3 bedroom home, double garage. S-1035.


2-car garage, laundry and pump house, poultry house, 1 acre land, beautifully landscaped. This is the model home in the Klngsway Colony. Price $4500. Call W. A.

EFIRD, M-1790 or H-44551 Constans Cole, Realtors BOY'S BICYCLE, A-l condition, $25. 7003 N. Dakota. EXCEPTIONALLY NICE One nf the best built and best kept 2811 Nebraska Ave. Phone M-53632 gasoline engine, all new and compTPte.

To be used where there is no electricity, $150. Excellent 76 A. Grove T.rwarert 4 ml. Nn. nf Dade City in Pasco DON'T KISS WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING Leverett Trading Co.

Va ana Va blower cons, new. Stainless and porcelain evaporators. Westinghouse new drop in type liauid 100 LARGE dia. peeled cypress posts. 12 13-ft.

long. Suitable 'for lake dock. 80c each. Silberger, Skipper 4 mi. north off Nebraska.

You radio goodbye. Your old set, rebuilt, r.n Armrnximately 5700 trees, all on sour homes in the most desirable section of Madeira Beach. Close to beach and bus line. Completely furnished and modern in every way. This fine two-bedroom home can be purchased on very easy terms if desired.

Price $8000. 4004 Nebraska Ave. may oe better tnan a cneap new one. Service with protection. Call H-3762.

cooler with agitator. $50. To be used with any or unit. orange root in A-l, perfect condition. 6-rm.

tenant house and barn. 70' oranges consisting of Ham. 30' large POAGUE RADIO SOUND SERVICE GAS RANGE, 4-burner, and broiler, $35. 703 E. Elm.

MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT FURNITURE AND FIXTURES BUILDING AND REAL ESTATE IN HYDE PARK Four beautifully furnished apts. 1 unit, large living room, dining room, lots of cabinets, open and scrnd. porch down; 2 bedrooms, tile bath. up. Owner occupied.

Two have scrnd. porches, bedroom, dining room, tile bath; other has 3 rooms, tile bath; all have elec. kitchens. Constant hot water, basem*nt tubs and elec. washer.

Garage, sprinkler system; in very nice residential section, $12,500, $4000 cash MRS. ROE. Ph. H-10253 Sunday and evenings. O.

L. SCHULSTAD, Realtor 106 E. Lafayette. Phone 4423. BEVERAGE cooler, new.

electric 31 case ON BEACH Two-bedroom home, practically new. one new trailer unit complete. One used trailer unit complete. Several used units cheap. 10-Cu.

ft. 2-door all porcelain refrigera capacity, $950. Delivery soon. Phone 4966. LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING SUPPLIES BABY LAYETTE, new, complete, extra nice.

Value $125, will sell for $60. H-26302. WHITE STAR LAUNDRY seedling O. trees, some oi wnicn nave picked 70 bxs. per tree.

This is an excellent producing grove. Return approx. 17,500 boxes last season, totaling $45,181. 34 tons fertilizer just applied; cost $1500 plus pruning cost, $3000. Present crop tor, new unit.

Right on the beach with fine view of John's Pass. Oak floors throughout. Beautiful bath. Double construction. Price $7000.


DISTPTRITTOR FISHERMEN All prices cash, subject prior sale. Call at Green House, old Memorial hwy. HOSPITAL BED LOT SALE Closing out at under market a Trials and Tribulations Vanish On going home to this beautiful house in exclusive Temple Terrace, overlooking 18th hole of beautiful golf course. 19th is always played In your "own yard" under spreading oaks' or Indoors.

Exceptionally large living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, tile bath, downstairs; master bedroom and bath, up. Stucco over tile, servants' quarters over 2-car garage; an abundance of tropical shrubs, fish pool, etc. Only $11,500. easy terms. Ph.

MRS. ROE, H-10253, Sunday and evenings. O. L. SCHULSTAD, Realtor 106 E.

Lafayette. Phane 4423. Simmons, practically new. $60. Phone inci.

ior tou.uuu uuwu, uai. 1-2-3 vrs. 5vi. and river, 2 miles east of Oldsmar. Tel.

Oldsmar 627. FLORIDA'S LARGEST ASSORTMENT Baits, Rods, Reels, Etc. Elsinger Sports 408 Tampa St. 209 E. Lafayette Phone 3240 0-77202.

CALL MR. WHEALTON. 4540; H-47444 few desirable residential and business lots. They will not last long. EVERYTHING financed for buyer or seller.

Persona Finance Co. of Tampa. 50 A. Irrig. Early G.F.

Seffner section, fronting on approx. IN BUSINESS district 2 stores with fix-lures and 6 modern apartments on second floor, engaged for season. Box X-725, Tribune. Just Unloaded GEORGIA COMMON BRICK Belmont Lumber Co. 3-BURNER Coleman gasoline range with oven.

American gasoline pressure heater. 205 W. Alva 3 blocks N. Buffalo. AT AUCTION 1 $39,500 Wholesale Stock Of Solcola Hardware Co SIDNEY MOTT Phone Gulf Beaches 99972.

13117 Gulf Madeira Beach. lampa Theater Bids. 6th Floor. Phona M-8258. 2800 trees.

2100 immense Duncan G. F. 20 box per tree, type 700 oranges and Y-1481 30th St. 37th Ave. TABLE General Electric radio, used.

Ph. H-3709. 208 W. Davis Blvd. Tues.

and Oct. 23 and 24. 9:30 A.M. LAKE HOME 5 rooms and hath T.ttrorp nnrrVi few tang. Nice tenant house, barn.

Grove A-l condition, present crop est. approx. 24,000 boxes, incl. $84,000 $10,000 cash, 1907 E. Broadway.

Tampa, Ybor city. DICTAPHONE complete with shaver and records. $160. H-34551, Electrical Contractor New gc old house wiring and repairing. All types fixtures and appliance.

DANIF.I, RT.Rfl LOW COST HOME. 5 rooms, bath, large REMINGTON typewriter $15. 2925 Tampa St. Telephone M-52104. Entire stock oi hardware, tools, paints, varnishes, cutlery, silverware, metalware.

furnished. Elec. stove, paved plot, city bus, $2800. Down $1200. Strout Agency.

Phone 8-76982. Write Rt. 5, Box 600. Tampa 4. Fla.

granlteware, glassware, enamelware, elec 4 Units, $7000 Cash Live In the cute 4-room cottage. Rent from 3 units brings in $100 mo. All are furnished. Use adjoining lots 100x250. all under fence, for chickens, garden or dogs.

An Ideal place to retire, on carline N. E. of city. To inspect Phone M-1861. Garvin Brown JAY HEARIN.

RFAT.TORS PERFECTION stove $12.50, 28 in. home 904 Broadway Phs. Y-3867: M-56663 trical supplies, plum Ding supplies, nsning ironer 375, Ph. s-4035. 1103 E.

Curtis. FOR SALE: 6 Regulation standard length bowling alleys, knocked down and loaded on truck at Paul Dunson yard. 301 5th St. S. Winter Haven.

Fla. Mail bid to this address. TILE for bathroom, shower stalls, drain plus proceeds or rruit, oai. over ov Where else could you buy a good grove with only $10,000 down. Hurry.

Call MR. WHEALTON, 4540; H-47444 10-A. Grove, House, $7500 Valencia Section. 320 Duncan G. 125 ruuu, mine Jane, sano.

oeacn, etc. SbbUU terms. PAUL FORT, Realtor 4024 San Pedro Ph. W-3802 DRAUGHT beer box $100, 2 booths at tackles, ruoDer aprons ana gloves. HARDWARE Axes, hammers, saws, pliers, tape lines, boards and porches.

Artistic linoleum lay $iu eacn. ti3 aznfl St. ELECTRIC drink boxes. 4 ft. drink cool ing ano tne setting.

AMERICAN VENETIAN BLIND CO. 1715 No. Howard H-27484 ALL MODERN two-bedroom bungalow, two lots, plenty of fruit, good garden land, near school and church. Good garage and chicken house. Deal with owner, fifth house on Freeman South of West Waters Ave.

T. Pelham, Rt. 5, Box 707-A. Tampa 4. Fla.

(h-5) ACREAGE 2nd Floor Tampa Theater Bldg, er, electric meat grinder, slicers. 6 ft. show VACUUM CLEANERS bought, anld. re- WATER HEATERS. ELEC.

TABLE TOP ON HAND FLUORESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURES ELECTRIC HOT WATER BOOSTERS FOR SUN HEATERS ELECTRIC WATER COOLERS AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS Retire Here, With Ipcome oranges, 60 young trees, 3-rm. house, bath, metal roof, deep well, gas pump. Present crop incl. $7500 $2500 down, bal. 1-2-3 years.

Call MR. SHELTON, 4378; Res. H-26243 palred. rebuilt. 1111 W.

Piatt. Ph. H-3673. plumb bobs, wrenches, planes, chisels, punches, bits, drills, nippers, rules, screw drivers, knives of all kinds, caulking guns, files for every purpose, shovels of all kinds, nails of all kinds, rakes, pitch forks, hole diggers, handles of all kinds, electric wiring, oil stoves, chains of all kinds, flashlight batteries, lamp chimneys, jars, jar rubbers, palls, anchors, Ice tongs, sprinklers, hose of all kinds, web belting. case, ceiling and floor fans, tables and chairs, stools, electric and gas space heaters, gas water heaters, coffee urns, ice boxes, sinks, stoves, hoods, gas deep fryer, silverware, chinaware and everything for 15 Acres Lutz Section 10 ACRES near Valrlco, $500; 5 acres near Dover, $350; 10 acres near Oldsmar, $350; 10 acres near Ruskin, $500; 10 acres near Bradenton, $300.

RICHARDS 8007 NEBRASKA PH. S-3838 PLUMBING FIXTURES 42" Drainboard sink and cabinet with Cozy cottage to live in and a duplex bungalow to rent for $70 per month, will make an ideal place to take it easy. Located near street car line, not far from bus and stores. Total price $5275. At this swing-spout faucets, complete, $59.50.

QUINBY ELECTRIC CO. 4-A. Grove, Store, House $4000 $1500 DOWN, $30 MO. 5 A. blk.

across from school in center of town (Thonotosassa). Store 30x20 with ad restaurants. G. M. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT 1218 Tampa St.

Ph. M-51141 pipe ior every purpose. AMERICAN PIPE X- MRTAI, (T PHONE 2772 210 FRANKLIN ST. Phone M-8341 1813 Nebraska Are. locks, lisning supplies, iioor pousnes, mtlerv.

tool boxes, lanterns, steel wool, $2500 TERMS On this 15 acres is a 2-bedroom home. Meeds some repairs. Equipped with electricity and deep well with automatic electric pump. Surrounded by a group of the finest oak trees in Florida. Call Beverly.

Louis Oblinger, Realtor 10 Franklin St. 4582. W-4194 MILLS juke organ. Practically new Farm Tracts Large and Small In South Tampa Section Highway frontages, convenient tn eltv FOR SALE ONE COMMERCIAL GAS Never used but very little. Price $300.

ditional living quarters and bath, 2 gas tanks, 5-room house and bath. Approx. $500 fruit on grove. ornamental doors, insecticides, and thousands of items too numerous to mention. price casn.

pnone lor me to pick you up or drop in the office Monday. M-1861. 2nd fl. Tampa Theater Bldg. Garvin Brown JAY HEARIN.

REALTORS Ideal Southern Picture Co. Film Projectors. Rentals Service. Now in stock "Gold-E" Slide Projectors We buy sell 8-16 mm. movie equipment.

ROOM 15. ALLIED BLDG. PH. M-62094, Eva St. Sold in Detail.


1119 FLORIDA BETWEEN 10-12 Call MR. DUKE, 4378. M-60353. Whealton Mason, Inc. 221 E.

Lafayette. priced rrom S500 JAMES F. TAYLOR. REALTOR 416 Tampa St. Phone M-1693.

OPEN 2 TO 6 SUNDAY SPORTSMAN'S WATCHES AUTOMATIC SELF WINDING Chronographs and Stop Watches Special sales rjrice $29 75 anrl nry to suit Buyer. For Further Information Contact HARRY MARKS. AUCTIONEER 1907 E. Broadway. Tampa, Florida Phone Y-1681 OVERHEAD tvbe rinnrs.

fine ft wirle PASCO COUNTY HOME and ten acres HOME AND INCOME On paved duplex, 2 garage nicely newly painted, close to everything. Income $129 per for price and terms call Gruver, 4406, with LASTINGER, Realtor, 307 Franklin St. 10 ft. high; two 8 ft. wide 10 ft.

high. Complete with tracking and hardware. Ph. 4322. Garden Hose LAWN SPRINKLERS King-Greco Hardware 15th St.

and 8th Ave. Ph. Y-1352 Elsinger Sports 408 Tampa St. 36 ACRES farm land near and east of Brooksville. Close to paved road, $25 an acre, $150 cash, balance easy.

H. B. Montgomery. 8003 9th St. Ph.

S-6589. 5 H. 3-phase electric motor. 6204 'EVINOIL" FUEL OIL HEATERS. $96 on paved highway near Dade City.

Spacious living room, fireplace, dining, kitchen, three bedrooms, modern tile bathtub and shower. Garage and wash room. River Terrace. 4-BURNER Roner eas range, like new. reasonable.

7501 East Broadway. nuiumanc control: porcelain rinisn. Glass lined. Very economical to operate FLORID AN APPLIANCE CO. 9H m- .1,.

NEW AND USED' building material, windows, doors, cement blocks, roofing. Large grapefruit, tangerine, orange trees. REFRIGERATION, home and commercial. Regardless of what's wrong, we fix it. All makes, work absolutely guaran FLOOR MATS and seat covers tn fit Completely Furnished Home NEAR HILLSBOROUGH Ac ARMENIA This is a lovely home, completely furnished and in good condition.

All-electric kitchen, 2-car garage, solar hot water heater. Lat 100x220. Rich soil, mostly Jilanted to early vegetables now. Owners eaving for North and will sell with immediate possession for only $4750. Some terms.

For specific Instructions call Beverly, 4582 or W-4194. LOUIS OBLINGER. REALTOR 310 Franklin St. stately palms. Electric water system, telephone.

A delightful country home in paint, wallboard, plumbing supplies, large your car. Any make or year. Cashwell Az Magdalene section. Very easy terms. Call Gruver, 4406, with LASTINGER.

REALTOR. 307 Franklin St. 412 Cass St. Phone 3028 teed. Also spray-refrigerators.

stock. Lake and rlonaa. M-1Z7Z. excellent condition. Price and terms on FORD REFRIGEHA11UW, a-JWi 18-GAL.

turn on table ton elec. hnt irosoy oer. btauon. HUlsborough and Nebraska. l.rnnm nnflnich.

Y. I water heater. $70. 2904 Waverly, off FOR SALE Power lawn mower in working condition. Rubber tires.

S185 application. GEORGE B. WELLS DADE CITY, FLA. oaysnore. Religious-N ws-Comics MOVIE FILMS RENTAL SALES PROJECTOR SERVICE SOUTHERN PHOTO NEWS terial cost, furnished or unfurnished.

Can Investment 16-unit furnished apartment, 16 garages. Hollow tile construction. Located large corner lot on beautiful lake front about five blocks from center of town. Present income over $7300. Priced to show good returns even under OPA regulations.

Offered Exclusively by Earle M. Willis Organization REALTORS Marble Arcade. Phone 4637, Lakeland, Fla. casn. iv.

inase. xnis viit-1 utcc ntwi (Beacon Road), Lakeland, Fla. Phone BICYCLES: 2 ladies' Schwinn, pre-war, like new. 3910 Suwanee. road, well fenced, good creek.

Oil lease pays taxes. Fine young pines, growth should pay int. on investment. Part planted carpet grass. $16 per easy terms.

Frank Thompson, Box 509, Tampa. ut buucu to easuy. oiocks west or Armenia on Hillsborough at Leona and Glenwood Sts. 40-ACRE MANATEE CO. grove and truck farm.

In warm section near Terra Ceia 412 MAPTNF PT NEW 4 rooms and bath on large shady lot. Front and back porches. Near Line-baugh and Nebraska. S2500, terms $750 cash, balance like rent. Montgomery, 2 IMPORTED Chinese rugs, 3'x5 blue, like new.

S55 each. Ph. 7125 Sarasota. Shower Stalls, Cabinet Sinks All sizes single and dbU laundry tubs, gas heaters, toilets, soil and galv. pipe.

1 AvIO ra4A a WE HAVE LOTS ArR.rAr.1T TRAITS HOT WATER heater and tank. One complete double bed. One 28-ft. extension ladder. 200 ft.

black walnut. Four sheets of veneer. 18 in. wood saw and mandrel. 3-in.

centrifugal pump, new. No Sunday sales. Call Monday after I.TOTTT lueeaee trailer. S65. S16" wheels, Bay.

1700 trees mostly grapefruit. Artesian well with a new pump and irrigation pipes. Owner estimates 3500 boxes fruit on trees. $16,000 with only $7500 down payment. Exclusive listing.

T. C. ATLANTIC LUMBER CO. 3100 4th Ave. Y-4964 ftgs HUlsboro 2624 7th Ave.

Y-1347 fair tires. Harry's Auto Glass, 8807 good buys, well located, reas. priced. Could assist on financing if advisable. SUNNY SOUTH REALTY CO 12th St.

7 Acres, Highway Home 214 E. Tyler Phone 4007 ciocK. pnone s-76182. I.ffT ITS TAW. (-AWE" OF VOTTR.

NEEDS APARTMENT HOUSE Modern 4 units. Near bus and car line. Must sell at once. Owner leaving. This place must be seen to be appreciated.

608 E. Hollywood. 3 POOL TABLES WANG, 501 Va Franklin St. Ph. 2115.

Sun. and Eves. Ph. H-23951. A beautiful all-cypress modern home rooms.

9 miles nut. rjaveH hwv 3. Pine framing, moulding and siding and 1 APT. size gas stove, 3 burners and LOCATED 5 miles west of Zeohvrhills. shelving.

Kitchen cabinets maae to oraer RAMSFV T.TTMRER CO. room bungalette; good land, equipped! 20 ACRES COMBINATION LAND Citrus Park Section 5 miles of Q. miles frnm rniirt- oven. Also 1 comb, radio-phonograph, table model. 104 W.

Ross. Hobart Food Machines McCray Refrigerators Jim Vaughan elec. meat saws Dayton scales Kitchen, market cutlery and supplies. Johnston Fixture Co. and equipment, make offer.

K. WILLIAMS, BROKER 5220 Florida Ave. Ph. S-5089 1702 17th St. Ph.

Y-1219 house. opposite the Anderson grove. Elec ICE BOX, 50 lb. and 4-burner kerosene stove and oven, almost new. 317 S.

How- WASHING MACHINE White wringer 80 acres all fenced and cross fenced. 4-acre lake surrounded by large oaks. Nice 4-room home, all finished. Large lawn and shrubbery. Ideal for poultry, cattle and farming.

Electricity available. J. E. Warnock, Rt. 1, Box 97-A, Zephyrhills, Fla.

arq. aunnay. ior 2uuu cnicKpns. in ice lawn, snruDDery. Owner transferred.

C. Ed Owings. Louis Oblinger, Realtor 310 Franklin Phone 3936 W-1342 4-ROOM house and shower. Half acre of land, $2100. $300 down, $25 per mo.

rolls and repair parts lor an wasners Same location 13 years. M-65573. 109 MASONRY WAREHOUSE OR LIGHT REPAIR GARAGE Bldg. 48x100 cement floor. N.

Florida Ave. $6000. $4500 cash, bal. easy. Call Sue M.

Vaden, M-1821. S-55024. Cunningham, Realtors H-1233 tricity and teiepnone available. Fine combination som fine protection against frost. Full price for quick sale, $1500, all cash.

Write D. RIPA. 316 E. 49TH NEW 910 W. Cass St.

Keys. LOCK JOINT PIPE 50.000 ft. 4-in. galvanized 18-guage, 16-ft. length with pierce collar couplings.

Immediate Delivery. Pipe For Every Purpose AMERICAN PIPE METAL CO. 1805 Nebraska Ph. M-8341 2 CANVAS curtains for screened porch, 87x66 and 100x66. Good condition, cheap.

Ph. S-1223. ott. STOVE. 3 hurner: 1 Nelson Oil CASH PAID IMMEDIATELY YORK 17, N.

Y. 6 ACRES good land. 5 acres triirkine. heater, porcelain kitchen table, all prac- 4nouire at w. gnen ana wo.

mva. 5 rm. house, electric lights. Wash house tlcaliy new. 3im in.

ttome. rx-zaui. Vi mnriem 1 Vi 1 i 1 1-1 10 Acres All modern 3-bedroom home. 2-car FOR DISCARDED JEWELRY DIAMONDS OLD GOLD COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL JEWELERS 430 W. Lafayette (Next to Park Theater) HUNTERS SHOT GUNS HUNTING CLOTHING oxwr- XJiiDn i ana aeep wen in yard.

Sell cheap for cash. A. J. Busbee, Rt. 3, Box 454R, Tampa.

garage; some fruit; chicken houses; all fenced. Price is $6000, terms. Kills insects. At neighborhood stores. EHrttc or- rino nfeert Merchants write EASTMAN projector, 8 millimeter camera 1 ui.hci Elsinger Sports 408 Tampa St.

STEEL LAWN RAKES .75 Lumite screen wire, sq. ft 10 10-qt. galv. pails 45 14" Stillson wrenches 1 75 Electric heaters. 1400 wakts 9.95 5fr DDT household sprayr gal.

1.75 KNOX STORES COMPANY and screen complete, can y-iixj. jvianuei bus and Va block to paved street. $2350; half cash, bal. $20 mo. 3 rms.

and bathroom with toilet and lavatory, large lot. $1500. $500 down. 3- bdrm. home, large corner lot, garage nd shade.

$2750. Terms. 4- room home. Inside toilet, lavatory and ink with cabinet, Va acre lot. $1800 cash.

WRIGHT. 1801 W. Sligh Ave. S-55324. For The Retired Couple A home Dlus an innnme.

5-rorm limine box lampa Sarasota Special Well located duplex in excellent cond. and completely furn. Elec. refrigerators, gas ranges, innersprlng mattresses. 2 bedrms.

on each side. Screened porches. On 3 lots. Live on one side and rent the other for $90 mo. at the present ceiling.

$8000. HAROLD L. SLEEPER REALTORS BAND SAW. rtn saw and rjlaner. 2107 MAWS vrav viuil nvprroat.

size 42. worn TABLE MODEL RADIO, S25. Also model, $30. 8422 17th St. 16th St.

All day Sunday. with lVs acres of lame citrus trees. Tn only a few times. $25. 5117 Wilson Ave.


WATROUS HOTEL PH. 2612 113 PALM SARASOTA, FLA. TABLE TOP white enamel 5-burner Flor 810 E. Lafayette St. Phone 2505 pnnr.Tr.

emrte nil heater for Ik. house. TWINS' all wool coat and leggings sets. Maroon. Size 4.

Good condition. Phone M-52424. ence range, $50. Also kerosene oil hot COT.T AnTOMAXTC 10 uirfirl r.nn Price $65. Call H-49123 Sun.

or after good condition. Close to school and fresh and salt water fishing. Located on paved road, close to Hiway 17, Fort Ogden, Fla. This is an exceptionally good buy. Price $2250.

water heater, 30 gal. tank, $50. Each in 7 p. m. weexaays good condition.

T. W. Jordan, 9504 10th St dltion. $35. 2001 Dekle Ave.

Apt. L. WESTERN SADDLE AND BRIDLE. WELL furnished 3-bedroom home with nearly half an acre of ground. Several fruit trees.

Only $4850. Call owner, S-55584. nsnirt hiKae cnc.tcrB ftrtft chassis. USED baby Simmons springs and mattress. $10.

2319 North St. 20 ACRES of good land in Thonoto- miscellaneous parts. Bargain for quick VACUUM CLEANER, perfect condition: au yy-ibbu. sassa section, suitable for farm or grove. 405 12TH ST.


COL. GORDON H. McCOY REALTOR DIXIE rrakto; T-rnTJTT. m.nn sale, laia aayvina t-iace. must oe sold; an attacn.

can H-34422. (h-2) VACANT LOTS T.ATjrjTT almnst. new fuel oil heater with ELECTRIC stove, glass oven door, clock and timer, S150. 4308 Obispo St. .22 RIFLE.

sinKle shot, lever action Some good timber on it. $750 on easy terms. Montgomery, 8003 9th St. Ph. S-6589.

tank and metal stand. $100. Can be seen heavy barrel with telescopic sight. Price Bradenton. Fla.

Phs. 25121 29183 HILLSBOROUGH RIVER frontage: A 4 HOSPITAL BED, as new. with mattress; adjustable. $50. Box D-775.

Tribune. COMBINATION trunk and wardrobe, 26 'a in. deep and wide by 5 ft. long, $25. Auto top luggage carrier for 37 or 38 Ford.

$12. Pre-war curtain stretcher. $6. See 2 30-INCH sections steel office shelving. Monday.

Boa w. nenry. cneap. jdud lampa at. 20-ACRE FARM TJKAJ? CTTV rAT-Tr u.iiirmfi.n.

15 Tube, like win sacrmce. Phone Y-4118. INFLATION "There is no getting away from, and we ROUND TABLE, china closets. 100-lb. You can buy this hie rapt, nf lanri nn apt.

stucco building, a 5-room house and a 6-room house, all nicely furnished and showing a good Income. $12,500. A very new. Table radio, record player. LAWN MOWER Thoroughly recondi East Sligh Ave.

at a real horcrnin porcelain ice box and baby bed. 3511 tioned like new. Rubber tired. 18 in. 2D Ave.

$18.50. 3208 san carios. quickly. jar, nytyck. lower lraner Court.

Temple Crest (Hlllsboro River and 40th Street) Waterfront lots. High shady lots! Va A. and Acre tracts. Both garden and citrus soil Ideal for poultry. Electricity.

Prices low, terms easy Field office open 3 to 7 dally. CLOSE HAMNER Phone M-1646 modest down payment and the bal. easy. can see no use in glossing over, the fact that some inflation is already with us and more seems certain to overtake us. ir a r-TTT-rfc n.yAWFR Ci v.

nractically T. C. WANG, 501 Va Franklin St. Ph. 2115.

Joe D. Hanna, Broker blade. Automatic oiler. Also, two reconditioned portable heaters. 317 SO.

HOWARD Open Sunday. for fiD THeal fnr trifte TJ new. Call owner, H-4193, ounoay. Sun. and Eves.

Ph. H-23951. IMPROVED CEMENT BLOCK EQUIPMENT A home is real wealth. So is any kind innr.r Timninintr automatic rase of Phone 3586 M-66113. 501 "2 Franklin wiisoii Maritime Homes.

of land that is any good. Hence if it is toiler inn 7n0xis 8-d1v tires and tubes. OUTBOARD motor. AVa h. Philco 6-ROOM house, electric water svstem.

Do You Need a Big I have a two-story brick bldg. in Ybor USfc'lJ CORRUGATED ROOFING, 100 Now in process of mfe. Cement mixers. cabinet radio, salt water rod. ZHUB oanay 3321 paimira plenty fruit, 5 acres land.

On Livingston Blvd. W-3372. GRAY. POULTRY AND GARDEN WIRE TWO gas steam radiator heaters; good steel block racks, hoppers, and conveyors for handling aggregate, blocks, cement, mix, etc. Consult us on your requirements Ave.

L'a miles pass Skipper Road. Rt. 1, Box 174, Lutz. Fla. City that could be converted into your needs.

27 rooms upstairs, 5 stores rented downstairs. Lot 70 by 95 ft. The price 8 MM. movie camera and projector. 1 condition.

320b Jitn bi. SIDING. aw-v-h roll colored film, also film rewinder. 2308 itjtt u.trh elennine marhine. 100 dozen (h-9) COLORED PROPERTY STOP worrying.

Go to Rlverbend Manor at 15th and Sligh Ave. E. Buy your lot. Build home, grow garden; no city taxes: elec and water $125 up. Make your own terms.

Salesmen on property 1 to 1 p. m. or ph. S-7128. W.

E. Hamner. 4 HIGH, shady lots on corner $550, j25 cash. $10 month. S-4721.

20th St. at once ior eany deliveries. Tampa Forge Ornamental Iron Co. ACTIVE LUMBER on this is right. Call F.

Tunon. Ph. 4654. Thrower Inc. at all possible for you to get started buying a home or other real estate, now would be a good time to do it." This editorial appeared in one of the leading newspapers in the country on October 15.

We have 600 acres of land within 10 to 12 miles of downtown Tampa on paved highways that we will sell in tracts of from 5 acres on up. This is a wonderful opportunity to get started before land goes higher. UNITED ASSETS CORPORATION 512 E. Lafayette St. Tel.

2002 212 S. Rome Ave. Phone H-4825 main springs. 2 ladies' watches, 1 combination wood and coal heater, chest of drawers, bedroom suite, 4-burner gas stove with side oven. 213 W.

Mohawk. 700 13th near City Dock Ph. 3071 GIRL'S BICYCLE. Western Flyer, practically new. $30.

Ph. S-77342. PJMFRl XTottt TTT 1-- 4-ROOM Negro house, nice paved street. Good neighborhood. near everything.

Plumbing. Price $1750. Easy terms. Balance like rent. Manuel Aronovitz, 106 E.

Lafayette. Phone 2459. WILL SACRD7ICE NEED CASH Graflex camera. speed 11000. onf.

elec. meat slicer: one elec. coffee iilm. tripod and accessories, $315. Phone NICE suburban lots.

Lights, water, trans, Attractive brice. Fasv term t. EXPERT GUNSMITHING GUNS SOLD AND BOUGHT Finest equipped shop under supervision former inspector Ordnance. 8. A.

KENFIX 3706 FLORIDA AVE. mill; one multigraph machine and type. J. F. Wood.

Limona, Fla. Ph. Y-5957. with new chrome tripod, sunshade, filters and case. Set golf clubs with bag.

920 Kouchins. Broker. Phone M-1646 QUIT PAYING RENT W. Plymouth. ONE OF THE BEST LOCATED Income properties in Bradenton.

Always rented. Five units, completely furnished. Priced right and can be sold on liberal terms. Shown by appointment only. HAROLD L.

SLEEPER REALTORS 405 12TH ST. PH. 31211. 32772 BRADENTON, FLA. and PAIR CHOICE corner lnt.

in Vlrcinl. CROCHETED BEDSPREAD, double bed size. Reasonable. S-3921. DIAMOND 3 CARAT SEWING MACHINES for sale, all makes Buy your lot now and build later.

I have several nice lots on paved streets in Park One block bus line, near schools. Ph. owner. 4184. ON BLOOMINGDALE Road IVa mi.

east of 41. 10 acres practically all cleared. Log shack and some beautiful orange and erarjefruit trees. 16700. cash: 650 cash.

In new gent's mounting. Cash or trade for late model car. equity in furnished SPECIAL ATTENTION GROVE OWNERS PIPE NOW IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 3 ga. galv. lockjoint pipe.

4 xl6 ga. galv. lockjoint pipe. 5 xl6 ga. galv.

lockjoint pipe. repaired. Free estimates. Authorized Sewing Machine Service, 5006 Florida Ave Ph. S-6557 Always open.

west lampa. on easy terms, sol Adelson, 316 Franklin St. Phone M-58922. ALARM ELEC. CLOCKS.

Irons Repaired. Some for sale. 107 E. Park Ave. PARKLAND ESTATE LOTS house, equity in small business, garage equipment or wnat nave you.

sgt. scnmiat, (h-10) REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE TYPEWRITER, L. C. Smith. $45; large cowhide bag, $35: cost $85.

Ph. H-41802. 920 w. Piymoutn St. SEA SHELLS, Jewelry and findings Davis Shell Shop.

8529 Nebraska. This is a nice tract. On Orient Road between 7th Ave. and Buffalo. 10 acres 320 feet on paved road.

1320 ft. on side road. $1200 terms. On paved road in Lutz section, 10 acre tracts. $750 to $900.

WATROUS HOTEL BLDG. PHONE 2612 HAVE PATENT on game nf "nrnven nnnn 113 PALM SARASOTA AVE. larity. Indoors or outdoors. Will sell or Drilled for grove irrigation at request.4 MINNOW BUCKETS Special sales price, $1 and $1.50 Elsinger Sports 408 Tampa St.

Lot on Parkland Blvd. 60x130 850 Lot and one-half on Fountain Blvd. 1350 a Lots on Edgewood Rd. $1800 for the two loss. 2 Lots on Fountain Blvd $1500 1 Lot on Terrace Drive 900 2 Lots on Parkland Blvd.

1800 For, particulars regarding any of these lots traae ior property, box z-793. Tribune RUBBER STAMP, made to order, name, address city, state, quick service, make good gift. 50c. Nora Duke, 1489 NW 42nd Miami, Fla. 40-A.

On Highway Easy terms. Buy land a sale investment, Louis Oblinger, Realtor BEAUTIFUL river front, good for home and wonderful soil for florist or garden uiuuwaires TnD ENGINES DAVE GORDON CO. DO YOU NEED SOUND EQUIPMENT, INNER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION ESTIMATES FREE MAKE YOUR OWN RECORDINGS I OUR SOUND-PROOF STUDIO. Right at Plant City, builders sand pit 1 SMALL ice drink box and 1 small ice refrigerator. Lenox Cafe, 2724 Fla.

Ave. 310 Franklin Phones 3936 4582 ing, iraae ior ia. or Neb. Ave. property S-1035.

Can be seen Monday. Second Ave. at 18th St. Phone Y-1654. 10-ACRE truck farm on Avon Park and RED WAGON.

Metal. Rubber Tires. DOLL HOUSE for Little Girl. BRASS FIRE SCREEN. BED LAMP with Rheostat.

UNAB. DICTIONARY STAND. RASKRTRA1.I, OOAI.S With Nets. lampa 'ioriaa. can A.

J. SIMMS M-8093 A. J. Simms Company (h-11) REAL ESTATE WANTED POWELL RADIO STORE rear of property. 1500 ft.

borders Seaboard railway. Tract lies south of railroad. Center part cleared for farming. Also oak wooded section. Sell all $4000 or will divide.

Legal description: S. W. of N. W. Va.

section 36, Twp. 28. S. of Range 21 E. Any broker can show you.

Write owner, 1610 Country Club St. Petersburg. Waucnula nignway. sen or traae. oce owner, 6613 10th St.

RUGS. Matched domestic, oriental, Mohawk. Royalton. Two 8' 3" 10' one Used very little. 505 E.


PHONE M-1603. Y-4915 on ACRES, near Six Mile Creek, $500 ijlst all your property with us for quick Ave. TYPEWRITER TABLE, Metal Green Finish. 13 acres, near Limona. $500.

Five acres on Bay Tide Water, $500. 20 acres, near See Renmah Addition Today HILLSBOROUGH Ac ARMENIA AVE. This is a fast developing area. You WELL DRILLING machine, complete saie. ny ana country, close to lampa Buyers waiting WE GET RESULTS GEO DILL.

RRAT.TOR PULLEYS BELTS SOUTHERN PUMP AND SUPPLY 902 TWIGGS ST PH. 2247 tools, drills, etc. Ready for use. Drills Brandon, $1500. one lot in kuskhi, sou.

Easy terms. J. F. Wood, Limona, Fla. BRASS 1JESK.

LAMf YORK AIR CONDITIONER, Home or Office No Sunday Sales. H-1228. 25 NEW 2x6x168, $27. Tutwiler, 47th South of Hillsborough. 111 Zack St.

Ph. 2052. M-5712 or S-6585 a oioves cieanea and repairs. Burns Bros. 877661.

SHRINER'S button, yellow and white gold, large diamond setting. Will eacrl- Tine Ptinn. X. up to 4 Inches. Price $900.

Ph. S-4443 or S-55801 for appointment to see it. John Phone Y-5957. Cin go wrong nere. Lots HIGH AND DRY W.

Lynn 1227 E. Henry. FLORIDA AVE. FRONTAGE INCLUDING FILLING STATION Located at southeast corner Florida tc 7th Ave. H.

P. Jensen, Broker, M-1669 1609 Florida Ave. Sun. At eves. H-28982 5 OR 6-ROOM bungalow tn Hyde Park, Seminole or Tampa Heights.

M-64352 $100 CASH LITTLE GIRLS' plaid wool coat, match City water. Electricity. Bus. No city am MANTH fnr in acres on high ing hat. Size 4.


GUITAR, mandolin and amplifier and bookcase. 523 3rd Court, Maritime Homes. Monday. IF YOU have a nome or farm for sale way, electricity or pronerty. 12 mi.

of Unabridged Dictionarv uozen curity diapers. 4 baby dresses, never used. Collapsible baby carriage. Phone can cscott Keaity s-6558 or S-2831. courthouse; in warm section.

CALL PHILIPS. 44.06. WITH FULG HUM'S OFFICE ECONOMY INDEX H-47041. taxes, uo not put on seeing tnese lots $150, $10 cash. $5 mo.

W. E. HAMNER, PH. S-7128 Salesmen on Property BILL BAKER LEE MOREY (h-4) BEACH, LAKE, RIVERFRONT Jit xwiggs LASTINGER, REALTOR. 307 Franklin St.

2 ROW BOATS, kitchen cabinet, coal burning circulating heater. Simmons baby bed and mattress, porch swing and glider, dog house. 722 W. Buffalo. M-54583.

LIST your houses, apartments, farms, business, with me for quick sale. Mrs. Crowell. Broker 605 E. Broad St.

Phone S-6535 WORMS Vn'11 ilk. I 2-PIECE overstuffed parlor suite, A-l, $35. Large and small kerosene heaters, $10 and $5.50. Single bed, spring and mattress. $9.50.

Y-3976. 2319 3rd Ave. WATCH repairing guaranteed, prompt service. Ybor Jewelry 1614 7th Ave FOR INDIAN ROCKS beach property see Norman Bie, office 1 block north of bridge. Ph.

Indian Rocks, 5-4581. 40 ACRES at Indian River City, bordered on both sides of highway. Sell or trade fish-catchers. E. Columbus Dr.

at 48th St. ONE 5 ft. minnow cast net. Apply 1607 N. Lisbon Ave.

for house or cabin cruiser. 3808 Florida Ave. Jones Motors. find what your medicine chest lacks. Look over your toiletries stock.

Then fill in your needs at WHITE'S PHARMACY. 1017 Franklin SONOTONE vacuum tube hearing aid, cost $165. sell for half price. 409 E. Estelle St.

I MUST secure my Indian Beach lot at Indian Rocks right away. I will phone M-1188 today. WILL SELL your property or equity for cash if priced right. M. O.

HERRING, Broker, 401 Grand Central. H-34421. FOR QUICK SALE of your home, see us. W. R.

DANIEL. 105 E. Lafayette. M-1569 Clean Fill Dirt BY THE LOAD OR JOB. ALSO SHELL, SAND AND ROCK J.

P. DRIVER 610 S. MELVILLE AVE. H-1417 FARMS-GROVES (h-6) BUSINESS LOTS Double corner, Palma Cela, on MacDlll, 100x100. $2250.

Florida Ave 80x80 $4000. So. Nebraska. 140x89. Corner.

Warehouse or factory site. $2250. Call Douglass 3328. Eichelberger Realtors ONE wood heater with self regulator, $12.50. Apply Monday.

1607 N. Lisbon. WIRELESS record player, good condition. S-4782. FOUR MILES SO.

OF ARCADIA 25 A. SWEATERS grove. 55 A. good farm land, house. 1075 5.G- radlo with record player.

5. Lady's yellow gold wrist watch, $20. trees, nice crop, late bloom fruit. Two LADIES' Va karat diamond ring. Sell or trade.

Phone S-1108. umi acinus. Complete assortment of virgin wool sweaters and jackets and fleece lined sleeveless vests. Elsinger Sports 408 Tampa St. Auto Seat Covers FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS HOLTSINGER MOTOR CO.

Phone M-1831 1514 Florida Ave RIVER OR LAKE PLACE WITH SMALL HOUSE $2000 to $2500. FRANK MASSARI BROKER 2826 2864 PHIL A. AMMONS CO. 1 3 h. p.

1200 RPM. 3 Ph. 220 volt LAKEFRONT ESTATE 40 acres of high citrus land, beautifully wooded on large sand bottom lake, north of Lutz. One large furnished home, two furnished guest houses, fish pools, shrubs and palms, shade and citrus trees. Owner leaving.

See me quick. W. A. Bartholomew with T. FAY ELDREDGE Phone M-1266 Tampa Gas Bldg.

exvrtt hub eiuvca, tuieu uiijes consistent 22 1396 25-yr. Va Valencias, Va G. F. Will not sell separately. The three groves are for quick sale.

$57,500. There should be 9000 bxs. 3 LOTS on Interbay Blvd. Will sell altogether or separately. W-1334.

motor. $45. MAKE old blinds new. Paint, ret ape and cord. Zeto Hill, Venetian Blinds, Supplies Staple Hardware Gliddens Paints Roofing Material Tea A T31 T.

FANS. IRONS, electrical appliances repaired. 401 Grand Central H-34421 G. F. and 4500 bxs.

oranges this crop. 2514 cnerry. H-a543 2 15 h. P. 1750 RPM, 3 Ph.

220-440 motors, each $98. 15 centrifugal American blower fans, all sizes. Several 5. 10. 15 ton air conditioning TYPEWRITER Corona portable.

Extra 2110 GRAND CENTRAL AVE. PH. H-3818 WE HAVE LOTS ACREAGE TRACTS, rood buys, well located, reas. priced. Could assist on financing if advisable.

SUNNY SOUTH REALTY CO. 214 E. Tyler Phone 4007 WANT nice home, furnished or unfurnished in Seminole, Hyde Park or Palma Ceia, or will buy your equity for cash. P. O.

Box 2301. Tampa. Pumps good condition. 521 Bay Hyde Park. 1000 SQ.

FT. pre-war cypress, and Call Monday. Y-1736. coils. Concrete Building Blocks 8x8x16.

14c. Stepping stones, 25e. Sidewalks precast to order. RECORD CONCRETE BLOCK PLANT 2408 E. Hillsborough Phone S-5274 warmest spot in rioriaa.

bo la budded avocado pears, 3 to 7 yrs. old; 1130 Persian limes, 650 Valencias and M. S. G. 816 small Hamlin.

Irrigated and in perfect condition. Price $65,000. Va cash. 1-2-3 yrs. PAUL M.

HENDERSON. REALTOR 131 8. Mass. Lakeland, Fla. Ph.

28351 rtnc to KnnnKM Heath in family, will FOR DEEP AND SHALLOW WELLS Large and Small 1 12 cubic it. air compressor. 1 3'ax3Va ammonia compressor. 2 RANCH STYLE house, partly completed, facing lake, 10 miles from court house on good paved road with about 3 acres of well-drained land, only $5950. Call Mr.

Kistner. S-55584 or 2665 with OTTO JOHNSON. INC. Realtors, 301 Frkln Music Lovers Attention $100. sacrifice subdivision with 68 lots in good location in Forest Hills section for $2000 cash if sold today.

Call owner. S-2831. 4034 Nebraska. Phone B-S270 Two professional heavy duty record SATISFACTORY RESULTS List your property, city, suburban, groves, lakefronis. We will be glad to have you consult us.

Personal inspection. Call Gruver. Phone 4406 LASTINGER, Realtor, 307 Franklin St. 10 OR 12-ACRE truck farm. 17 miles Vacuum Cleaner White wringer rolls, by Goodyear, better than pre-war.

Bring old rolls for size, all washers. Ph. M-65573. 109 E. Keys LOT in Lynwood sub.

High dry. east front on paved street. Phone H-29102. south of Tampa. Bloomingdale cross roads.

Reasonable. Ray Register. Prfrt. T1PH7- muct ha -nTJ at player and recording machines. Custom built bass and treble amplifiers and speakers.

Over $300 worth of classical records, mostly Red Seals. All little used. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Phone S-77202. NICE private lake place with cottage and 12 acres, on terms.

Also nice deluxe Gulf Beach place. SUNNY SOUTH REALTY CO. 214 E. Tyler Phone 4007 -auv w. SUiU IIJUU, All attachments, all metal.

Phone S-2813. COAT (MUSKRAT) SATIN LINED; WITH STORM srirE'Virs! uc IF YOU want to sell your home, farm 10 cold storage doors, various sizes, new. 16 cold storage doors, various sizes, used. 1000 gallon jugs, make an offer. 1 2-burner Florence room heater.

$15. 1 1-burner Perfection heater, $4.50. 1 Va h. p. circulating pump.

$35. 350 concrete blocks, 8x8x16, 16c each 400 feet 6" red clay drainage tile. 14c ft. SEE AFTER SUNDAY CARVER 602 MEMORIAL. PH.

H-1344 22 Acres, $1750 22 Acres located on TJ. S. hishwaT 41. BOY'S WOOL SUIT, size 11. $8: also or Dusiness property call me tirst ior quick action.

Buyers waiting. Joe D. Hanna, Broker wool jacket ana pants, pn. M-52933. iIP.PJv5.

F.99.KET- CAN BE SEEN AT 809 only 9 miles south of Tampa. Over 600 ft. highway frontase. Rnush ft-rnnm hnnce. TWO corner lots, shady, septic system, water and lights already installed.

17th St. and E. Sligh. 4 LOTS on Horatio and Azeele, $1500. Located 2 blocks from MacDill, paved treet.

Each lot 50x192. Call Frances Best, M-1472 W. H. TOOLE Az SONS. REALTORS 12 YDS.

new striped draDerv material. deep well, some good garden land, balance PAST THflV nri-rrn 36 in. wide, $9. Ph. M-52933.


$1.99 DELUXE ONE COAT ENAMEL, GAL. $2.25 ASPHALT ROOF COATING, 5-GAL. KIT, $2.10 ACE MERCHANDISING COMPANY 1534 FULLER ST. PHONE H-1707 suuaoie ior iruu, poultry, etc. aP Basoline heater, 1417 S.

Lakefront and Grove In the Lutz section, everything in tiptop shape, good crop, fruit, quick possession. You will need to see this to appreciate its value. $12,000. Reasonable cash, balance arranged. O.

L. SCHULSTAD, Realtor SMALL air conditioner, ore-war sofa. V. C. Tillis 9 mm.

automatic pistol. 2700 Fig. H-34551 ON OUR prospect list there is one who may buy your property. List it with us now. Fowler, 5000 Nebraska.

Ph. S-7173. 30" GASOLINE power lawn mower. Cheap for cash. Phone H-34404.

Sunday until 1 and all day Monday. 600 Fla. Clewis Farms. Realtors. Ph.

3358 HEATROI.A KtvTiv rnot a vne1 GOVERNMENT SURPLUS Shelving, show cases, cashier's case. a-- mu i avaciiiui mi nwj. WEST TAMPA Beautiful lots facing MacFarlane park. 1 block school and car line. Reasonably priced.

W. C. BULLARD, REALTOR 605 W. Lafayette H-1560 Dover Farm, $3000 10 Acres, in heart of the Dover straw counters, suitable for drug store, grocery. PH.

4423 106 E. LAFAYETTE LADIES' 90 point blue white diamond. Perfect, excellent quality. Value $400. Priced to sell.

Box W-812. Tribune. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER No. 5. 2308 20th St.


Suns. Eves. Ph." H-28982 jewelry or ary-gooas store. Fit in store 50x25 ft. Also large grove heaters, berry and trucking section; all cultivated: WRIST WATCH.

CALL MONDAY S-55963 WOOD S. ZACK. 3207 7th Ave. GAS hot water heater and cas meter. 207 E.

Park Ave. TWO-WHFFT. hnT trailer unnri wren, tir.e fr torr? no nf nam a gooa oungaiow oi a rooms, owner is very anxious to sell quick, and if you are at all in the market for a good 10 acre strawberry and truck farm, inspect this. Terms. CK 1 WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA, like new.

Reasonable. H-32113. delivered. Phone M-60923. wBit.aici iuu auu reci, line new, io.

1, 0 I O- 1 Vtatr mart KEYSTONE LAKE Furnished dwelling and garage. Also chicken run fenced and containing four buildings. Brick walk to lake and dock. Lots of fruit trees and shrubbery, about 5 acres. Price and terms right.

Call Chamberlain. SMITH WILLIAMSON, Realtors 101 E. Lafayette St. Phone 3610 MAGIC CHEF size gas stove. Hea-trola.

burns wood or coal. Both in condition. 703 S. Howard. ROBLES PARK Janette nicely located.

M. O. SOUDER, 1421 Florida Ave. GOING TO BUILD? Investigate these: One lot 75x100; one 100x100 Maryland Manor. F.

HOFFMAN. W-4072 ELEC. sewing machine, all attachments Phone 3130; BUYERS WAITING For quick sale of your house, business or lots, see K. WILLIAMS, Broker 5220 Florida S-5089. S-5195 TAMPA-WEST COAST REALTY CO.

doj ocom suit, size i. vbzi oia Ave. SMALL HOUSE to be moved. 16x20. ceiled inside.

$500 cash. Inquire 1901 West Sligh or phone S-55682. mut-ik, t-uiui ujaicr wane, rJUC K6t 9x12 SERVISTAN rue and throw mi DOLLS with bisque heads, for children's Xmas. Call after 12. 3110 Main.

33-ACRE FARM HOME seat ior panel trucK, little used, $15. 1'- Vi Tin TJh. a i match. Nice modern brown pattern. Also 9x12 waffle felt pad.

S-2965. 202 W. Jean. nazaraous location motor, $12. 6818 Florida Ave.

NICE LOTS TRADE 12-lnch band saw for 2-wheel trailer or will sell. W-3932. 3703 San 36 FOLDING theater chairs In urtlnn. Near Nebraska and Llnebaugh. Lights ELECTRIC mangle for sale.

Medium size. $25. 218 W. Comanche Sunday p. m.

CANE PATCH, estimated 10,000 sillks. $200. Lake Byrd, Lake Magdalene Blvd. Benny Kee. wwwu biuvpastui iniiUt ail uctcssai farm tools, fenced, cross-fenced.

Additional 40 acres can be leased at $50 a year, beautiful oaks and fruit trees. Small vail Knit fi.V.. rearo WANTED Good fishing camp or location to lease or purchase for cash. Must be geod location and cheap. Emmett Lawarance, Ocala, Box 10.

FISHING RODS STEEL CASTING RODS Special sales price, $2.95. Elsinger Sports 408 Tampa St. Beautiful Home ON BEAUTIFUL LAKE You will never get a better buy. Modern 4 b.r. home with every convenience.

2 cabins, dock with dressing rooms and rest rooms. Landscaped grounds. 13 acres. of 6, $9 per section; 1 electric cash register. 100 lbs.

of dishwashing compound. 5c per lb. LEVERETT TRADING CO. wuuv uwuoc luiiusucu) una range and 8-ft. refrigerator.

Large cow BUCCU. JTII. n-OOJ. St water. price iuu.

easy terms. Lots in El Portal $125 to $250. easy terms. Phone W. L.

HOUCHINS M-1646: Eves. H-33964 oouuic xuuuft. iceu ruom, eiec. water SVCt.Piri- trnnA Innlrim tnat CC Art 4004 Nebraska S-650S after Sundav. 913 Rlvri Ant a Bnhiri STOP SWAP JEWELRY, watches, diamond rings, costume jewelry.

Brand new Gruens. Bulovas, Benrus, Longines. Ladies' and Gents' models. All at discount prices. Ph.

M-1190. WANTED: 10 to 20 acres with house, small grove or grove land. Electricity, good road. Must be cheap for cash. Lawarance, Ocala.

Box 10- WELL-BUILT cabinets, shelving. Ball. 3-Acre Highway Home $2500 Stock Reduction Sale some in grove. 3000' lake front, 1800' on paved highway. 1 mi.

from Lutz. $10,000 cash or will sell on terms. SHARROCK, 5000 Nebraska. Ph. S-7173 fixtures.

Nelson Novelty Cabinet Shop. 5704 32nd St. S-76204. 3 LOTS. Bay Haven Drive at MacDill.

Reasonable. Ph. S-5457. 8 MM motion picture outfit, complete. 707 W.

Columbus No. 3. M-56201. CIRC. HEATER, like new, wood or coal.

Reasonable or trade for good shotgun or R. R. watch. 204 W. Hillsborough.

Now SMALL equity in concrete block or FHA home by Nov. 1st. Seminole. M-63951. RARftAIN for cash.

Extra large lot. YES. it's an old house, needs reDair. wiiia, uewiy pamtea, toilet, snower, elec. water system, chicken houses, elec.

brooder, some furniture. Terms. SEE MR. BERGER at our branch offic, mi. E.

of Mango on Highway No. 23. LADIES' bicycle, new tires, $25. Call H-34514. uiumes uiiests 14 45 05 but there is 20 acres of the best land (J-1) MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Beautiful home site.

Near Ballast Point school. 1 blk. off Bayshore Blvd. $750. S-5250.

1910 E. Osborne. naur ucuj ana mattresses 24.95 19.95 ELECTRIC RAZOR and set of golf clubs. Will trade either for good rod and reel, P. O.

Box 1377. In the county. There is also ml. frontage on a grass lake, 14 mi. N.

of Tampa. 2250. u. L. SCHULSTAD, Realtor Boy insn cnairs 4 95 3 95 Canvas lawn and deck chairs 395 25 95 5.45 Fill Sand, $1.50 Cu.

Yd. Let us estimate your low places Phone M-7142 106 E. Lafayette. Phone 4423. Paul Fort, Owner, Ph.

H-3802 ATTENTION! FISHERMEN Mullet Cast Nets, 7 8 Feet HEAVILY LEADED HAND MADE JUST A FEW Burma "Calcutta" fishing poles: beautiful salt water rods: "Shakespeare" off 1 diuuu CONTAX II with F.2 lens and 3.5, 4 Inch telephoto. Perfect condition, $300. Box C-752, Tribune. PHD CATC TJV rtmTnr, 7 -DAVIS ISLANDS Have several nicely located lots on Davis Islands at low prices. Sol Adelson, 316 Vi Franklin St.

Phone M-58922. j-nc lawn sets 12.95 10.95 Restaurant Cafe Bar NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT Headquarters for leatherette booths and Formica tables, all colors, stainless steel legs: double dishwasher sinks, large and small: stainless steel counter sinks, small and large; coffee urns, batteries and single, gas and elec; also silverware. In stock now. 400 oak chairs, all kinds water heaters, grills, large toaster, elec. steam tables, counters, show cases, restaurant dish carriers on rollers, beer dispenser, soda fountain.

Let us give you an estimate on complete outfits. S. ZACK 3207 7th Ave. wnuu a. citrus grove including fruit, 4-r.

furnished home. Klfrr rlr rfr ffaratn. Lakefront Home juwu swings 14 95 12 95 Pearl Wick clothes hampers 7i95 Drop-leaf kitchen table 9.95 7 95 WEARING APPAREL Mink coat. $35: Dlaid Chesterfield. $15 housing for 400 hens.

$5000 cash. Write Luts area on paved road, 12 acres, 900 TILE All colors now available For bath rooms, drain boards Porches, showers Call tin fnr fre ectlmota set rod handles; good stock of LURES cocoa brown winter suit, $20. Several qua 05. ijiiuuna. leet irontage on targe lake and a high class modern 7-room year-round home.

gaDX J518," Ps 7.45 5.95 Rustic table 5 45 3 95 Child's comb, desk and chair 3.50 winter dresses, au size lb. snoes, i vt aa H-47611. GOING RANCH Hawaiian Wigglers, Jitterbug, uuenger, Creek Cub, Barracuda. Johnson Spoons; LINE Nylon 40-lb. test; silk, 14 to 30; riituhnnit.

57 tn 150. Minnow seines. Steward Bros. Tile Co. RIVERBEND MANOR LARGE LOTS.

BUY YOURS TODAY 15th and Sligh Ave. East Build your home. Grow garden. No elty taxes. Electricity and water.

$125. Make your own terms. Come sea for yourself. W. B.

HAMNER. PH. S-7128 ONE 2-burner oil heater, 1 single burner spacious rooms, many closets, beautifully decorated, newest innovations, clean as a whistle, separate guest house, servants' quarters. 2 garages. 46 citrus trees, large roofed dock.

Real good buy, $11,000. Terms oil heater. 1 small air compressor. S7.50: 12 to 30 imported "Mustad" small Phone H-49154 4021 Palmira Ave. I o-io.

metal ice ooxes Complete line of hardware items Dishes, paints, lawn tools, etc. Ingram Mercantile Co 1 home light plant, $25. Ph. H-23504. 140a ueijeon.

HAT CLEANING and blocking equipment for felts and Panamas. Priced right for quick sale. Massey Cleaner. Ph. S-4915.

$8 per acre about 14,000 acres; fenced and cross-fenced; dwelling, tenant houses and outbuildings: plenty of water; 20 miles of Tampa; on two paved roads. Can Include 1000 range cattle and some fine 3130 bulla wanted. Terms. Phone TAMPA-WEST COAST REALTY CO. DIAMOND ring, clear white.

Va carat, 2 small on each side, platinum mounting, best offer Sunday takes. M-63951. bait nocss; oars; water Kegs: Diiee puiuus children's life jackets. THE FISHERMAN'S STORE HYDE PARK HARDWARE ONE BENDIX air-cooled outboard motor. 1311 Franklin St.

Ph. M-63603 arranged. S. W. MELTZER, Realtor LuU, Ph.

99314 LAKEWOOD MANOR, high, lovely home one three-burner kerosene stove, one gas hot water heater. 6605 Harer St. or Ph. 8-3089 Monday. oaL.

ANTIQUE piece for wraps, umbrellas; mirror, drawer, marble top. 3110 Main. ESTATE HEATROLA wood Habana and Frierson. "ant" nu-iiexs reaa TRIBUNE WANT ADS dally 119 Hyde Park Ave. Phone H-1304 ait 65x139.


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.